
Saving money is the first step to a financially secure retirement. Investing those savings wisely to meet your retirement needs and goals is the next step.

The JRB Plan offers you a menu of investment choices, including:

  • Mutual Funds
  • Stable Value Interest Fund
  • Target Date Retirement Funds
  • State of Israel Bonds

These offerings cover the major asset classes - stocks, bonds and cash - allowing participants to diversify their investments.

The JRB carefully screens and monitors these offerings to ensure that they are of consistently high quality and meet the needs of Plan participants. Occasionally, investment offerings are added or replaced in keeping with these objectives.

Your retirement savings account is self-directed. This means that you are responsible for choosing the investments in your accounts and making sure they align with your investment goals, risk profile, and time horizon.

If you have any questions about the investment offerings, please call us at 888-JRB-FREE (888-572-3733) or email us at